Cookies Policy


At ‘The Soul Journey,’ we value your online experience and are committed to ensuring that it is secure, efficient, and personalized. Our Cookie Policy is designed to provide transparent information about how we utilize cookies to enhance your browsing experience, personalize content, and improve our services.

By understanding our use of cookies, you can have greater control over your online preferences and privacy, ensuring a seamless and tailored experience on our website.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device that help websites remember your preferences and improve your browsing experience. They can be either session-based (temporary) or persistent (stored for longer).

How Do We Use Cookies?

At ‘The Soul Journey,’ we use cookies to enrich and personalize your browsing experience. These small data files let us remember your preferences, such as language settings, login information, and display options, allowing for a more seamless and tailored interaction with our website.

Additionally, we use cookies to analyze user behavior and traffic patterns, which aids us in understanding how our website is being used and how we can improve it further.

By gaining insights into user preferences and behavior through these cookies, we can continuously enhance our services, customize the content, and present relevant offers and information that align with your interests and needs.

Types Of Cookies Used

Necessary Cookies: These cookies enable you to navigate our website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas. They are crucial for the proper functioning of the site and do not store any personally identifiable information.

Performance Cookies: These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our website by collecting information anonymously. They assist in analyzing website traffic, identifying popular pages, and detecting any potential issues, allowing us to enhance the performance and user experience of the site.

Functionality Cookies: These cookies enable our website to remember your choices and preferences, such as language selection and font size, to provide a more personalized and convenient browsing experience. They help customize your visit and make it more user-friendly.

Targeting or Advertising Cookies: These cookies deliver advertisements relevant to your interests. They may be used to track your browsing habits and activity across different websites, helping us and our advertising partners to present you with targeted advertisements that align with your preferences.

Third-Party Cookies: These cookies are set by third-party services integrated into our website, such as social media platforms and analytics tools. They serve various purposes, including tracking user behavior, providing social media functionalities, and delivering personalized advertisements, contributing to an improved overall experience on our website.

Analytical Cookies: These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our website. They provide information about which pages are frequently visited, the duration of the visits, and any error messages encountered, enabling us to improve the website’s performance and content accordingly.

Authentication Cookies: These cookies recognize and authenticate users when they login to our website. They allow you to access your account securely and ensure you remain logged in during browsing.

Cookie Control And Management

At The Soul Journey, we provide our users the options to control and manage the cookies. Here is a brief overview of various options:

Cookie Consent Banner: Upon visiting our website, you will be presented with a clear and comprehensive cookie consent banner. This banner allows you to accept or decline non-essential cookies, giving you complete control over your preferences.

Settings Adjustment: We offer the option to adjust your cookie settings anytime through the website’s privacy settings or your browser settings. This flexibility empowers you to turn specific categories of cookies on or off according to your preferences.

Browser Controls: Most web browsers allow you to manage your cookie preferences. You can adjust your browser settings to accept, refuse, or delete cookies. We provide clear guidance on accessing these controls, making it easy to manage your cookie settings efficiently.

Opt-Out Options: We also provide opt-out options for certain types of cookies, such as advertising or third-party cookies, allowing you to choose whether or not to allow their use during your browsing experience.


At ‘The Soul Journey,’ your use of our website indicates your consent to the use of cookies as detailed in the Cookie Policy. You can manage your preferences anytime by adjusting your browser settings or using the privacy settings provided on our website.

Some cookies, essential for basic website functionality, do not require explicit consent but can be disabled through browser settings. However, not consenting to certain cookies may restrict access to specific features, potentially impacting your overall browsing experience.

Changes to the Cookies Policy

Policy Updates: We reserve the right to update or modify this Cookie Policy occasionally. Any changes made will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website. We encourage you to review this page regularly to stay informed about how we use cookies and any changes that may affect your browsing experience.

Notification: If there are any significant changes to this policy, we will provide prominent notice on our website or notify you via email or other communication channels to ensure you are aware of the modifications made.

Additional Information

If you have any questions or concerns or require further clarification about our use of cookies or any other aspect of our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can write to us at
